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The Standard Amway Satisfaction Guarantee

Anytime you buy an Amway product you have the right to use it for a reasonable time to determine if it is satisfactory and you want to keep it. If you decide it is not satisfactory, you may return it to the Amway distributor from whom you purchased it. The distributor will offer you the choice of replacement without charge, or full credit toward the purchase of another Amway product, or a refund of the full purchase price. This guarantee does not apply to products that have been intentionally damaged or misused.

*The reasonable time starting form the day when the invoice of the products was issued by Amway is no longer than 2 years.

The 90 Days Satisfaction Guarantee (for durable products)

If you purchase Amway Cookware or other Home Tech durable products such as the Amway Water Treatment System or Air Treatment System, you have right to use the Amway product for 90 days from date of purchase to determine if it is satisfactory and you want to keep it. If, within such 90-day period, you decide it is not satisfactory, you may return it to the Amway distributor from whom you purchased it. The distributor will offer you the choice of replacement without charge, or full credit toward the purchase of another Amway product, or a refund of the full purchase price. This Guarantee does not apply to products that have been intentionally damaged or misused.

*The 90 days starts form the day when the invoice of the products was issued by Amway.

The 14 Days Hesitation Period

If you purchase DORIAN extra virgin olive oil, or R&J product series, you are entitled to a 14-day hesitation period, starting from the day when the invoice of the products was issued. Within this 14-day period, if you decide it is not satisfactory, you may return the sealed product to the Amway distributor from whom you purchased it. The distributor will offer you the choice of replacement without charge, or full credit toward the purchase of another Amway product, or a refund of the full purchase price. This guarantee does not apply to products that have been intentionally damaged or misused.

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